Eric Mwesigwa
General Manager/ Scheme Manager/ Auditor
Previous to joining GREENCERT, Eric headed a Standards Coordination Unit at the Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), providing technical coordination to stakeholders for complying with horticulture standards in line with food safety frameworks.
Eric has garnered extensive knowledge through coordinating the strength of food safety surveillance and risk management systems as well as enhancing smallholder farmers’ compliance capacities with different national, regional, and international standards. During his roles at TAHA, he chaired the Arusha City Food Safety Committee, a multi-stakeholder consortium comprising private sector entities, government, farmers groups, and NGOs.
Mr. Mwesigwa has a 4-year Bachelors of Science degree in Organic Agriculture from Cairo University, Egypt has since taken key roles in the implementation of several project deliverables, including but not limited to i.e. Export Competitiveness funded by the TRADEMARK East Africa, UNDP (Youth and Women Inclusion in Horticultural Value Chains), a SIDA funded project that aims at Strengthening TAHA Strategy to mention a few.
Eric is ISO9001:2015 Lead Auditor currently engaged in the EU-EAC MARKUP Project as a Quality champion in an initiative that aims at capacitating Avocado and Spices SMEs to integrate Quality issues in the operations. He is passionate about food systems governance and how it translates to building resilience to smallholder farmers to issues pertaining to climate change, sustainable natural resources use, and inflow and outflow of resources.